3 Quotes & Sayings By Harry Harrison

Harry Harrison was born in New York City and has lived in Florida, Colorado, California and Texas. He is married to Jody Lynn Nye, a science fiction writer and editor of the books of Joe Haldeman and Larry Niven. Harry's books include The Stainless Steel Rat (1969), Make Room! Make Room! (1966), The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted (1969), A Transatlantic Tunnel (1971), Harmonic Convergence (1976), Raising Steam (1980) and The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World (1985). He has also edited a number of anthologies of science fiction short stories.

Everyone has got their own ideas and they push them and say to hell with everyone else. That's the history of the human race. It got us on top, only now it is pushing us off. The thing is that people will put up with any kind of discomfort, and dying babies, and old age at thirty as long as it has always been that way. Try to get them to change and they fight you, even while they're dying, saying it was good enough for grandpa so it's good enough for me. Bango, dead. Harry Harrison
The principles we live by in business and in social life are the most important part of happiness. Harry Harrison